OK, here it comes. This
is where I talk about myself...Are you ready? Can you take it?
Awrite, then..Scroll on.
(on the right!!)
Hey Guys. So, you've managed to get this far. Groovy Groovy. Here's a nice looooooooong autobio for you to check out. If ya wanna know anything else, E ME! (as if after reading this you could possibly WANT to know anything else)
(that's me!!)
The world was blessed with my presence on March 9, 1983. (That's right! I'm 17!!) I'm the third and final child of Bob and Irene. The "caboose" (as they like to call me). I lived in one small town for the first 2 years of my so-far unproductive life, then we moved up here to Redneck Central. I've lived here for 15 years and so far, so good. It's boring, but now that I have a truck, I can at least get outta here sometimes!! At the moment, I am 5'9". And growing. My father and brother are convinced that I'm gonna be some 6'6" amazon or something. Who knows!! Anyway, I have blonde hair (yes, I'm a natural blonde. I'll have baby pics up soon to prove it!), blue eyes, and looong legs. (A 32 1/2" inseam. Hard to buy jeans!!)
I'm a senior at Chestertown Christian Academy (GO PATRIOTS!!). It's pretty cool.(Being a senior, that is..Not school.) I have four classes (Bible, English, Drama twice a week, and Speech twice a week) and I leave at 12 to go to work. :) Pretty decent. But it's my last year..Kinda scary. When I graduate, I want to go into nursing. I have a big-time desire to take care of people. PLUS, nurses make BIG TIME money now....that's always a plus..:)
I really like hunting and fishing. My daddy is a charter boat captain, and I was raised on the water, pretty much as a mini redneck. During the summers when I was little, I'd be in my little bathing suit and jean shorts, (barefooted, of course) hauling crabs and fish with my daddy. In the winter, I'd be crying cuz I couldn't go hunting with dad and Scott. Now, not much has changed. I wear my bathing suit and jean shorts, run around barefooted on the boat, hauling bushels of crabs and coolers of fish. And I love every minute of it. But now, I don't cry cuz I can't go hunting, I just..go!! I have a few of my own shotguns, and I love just sitting out in my stand. If only my dad wouldn't scare away the deer..LOL But that's another story. I'm currently working as an attendant at a local marina. I love it there. Being around boats and the water is all me.
Uh..I have an average family. One brother, Scott, 34, one
sister, Chris, 29. My sister is married to Ben, 30,
and they have one little girl, Aubrey who's 7. (Yeah, I'm
an Aunt Carrie. And this kid is just like me.) and they
also have Ethan Blake, who is my adopted son :). He's the
reason I am willing to wait til I'm, oh, about 45, 50 to have
kids. :P
What else? I
have two dogs, SayDi, my three year old beagle, who I
loooove to death.
And my baby, Tootsie- a six
month old lab puppy. I had another dog, Bear.
We got him when I was just over 2 years old. He was my
buddy. We basically grew up together. Two years
ago we had to put Old Bear to sleep. I'll forever remember
and miss him.*moment of silence* OK!!
Well, let's
see. Uh...Current news: Hmm..Nothing much. Hoping to get a
new boyfriend..BOBBY!! Uh..Guess that's it. I can't really
think of anything else.
Now, for a glimpse of my life
not just anyone sees...MY ROOM!!!!! AAAAAAAAH!!*hide*
My room at it's absolute
WORST!! I'm so ashamed!!(Yes, it is clean now)
AND!! *bum
bum bum* MY CLOSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please take note, all the
skirts to the right. Hateful things....
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This page was
last updated: 11/25/00 Next update: 12/15/00
Come back and see if anything
new has happened to me.
(I did mention that I'd like
you to come back, right???)