My boat!! My boat!!

This is the Daddy's Girl II...Guess who's the Daddy's Girl I?? THAT'S RIGHT!!
MOI!  hehehe  This is my baby, my pride and joy...My daddy's boat.:)

And this, is the man himself....

Daddy Daddy DaddyRow Row Row Your Boat

Captain Bob

I am what people call a "Daddy's Girl". (in case you couldn't tell)  My father and I are very close,
even if we come from two TOTALLY differant planets and seldom agree on anything. :)  I know no matter
what I do, he'll always love me.  And no matter how old and goofy HE gets, I'll always love him.,

And that's all I have to say right now, so, SEE YA!!!

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Sorry..I just liked the cross better than Gert...Oh Well...
This page last updated: 11/25/00 Next update: By 12/15/00
Please  "come again"
(I'm TRYING to be nice.)
(Really, I am)