SayDi's Page
 (Has she told you that if you put the mousey thing on the pictures that a little caption pops up??)
...lemme tell you a story...
Hey all!! My name is SayDi Anne.  I was born in April of 97.  I was a 14th birthday present to my mommy, Carrie.  From what they've told me, she got a card on her b-day (March 9, 97) that had a spot in it that said, "This is a spot just like the one on your new beagle puppy to be born in April."  She was sooooooo happy!! She called the puppy-farm owner every 2 weeks to see how my birth mommy was doing.  Then finally, one day in late April, the man called her to tell her I had been born.  YAY!! Three weeks later, Carrie came to see me.  I don't remember our first visit though, cuz my eyes weren't open yet, but I'm sure I loved her!!! She said she loved me right away and knew I was going to be hers. *sniffle*  How sweet!!  But there was a problem.  When my birth mommy was newly pregnant with me, her mean owner had beat her.  When he found out she was going to have me, he gave her away to the farmer.  The farmer took better care of my already-sick mommy.  When my brothers and sisters and I were born, we were all very tiny.  All of my brothers and sisters died, except one.  She, my mother, and I turned out fine.  But the farmer said we should stay an extra couple weeks just to make sure.  My poor mommy couldn't get me yet.  But she came and saw me 3 times, just to check on me.  Then, finally, on Memorial Day, the farmer's wife told me I was going to my new home!! WOOHOO!! She gave me a bath. *eeeeew* ( I really HATE baths!!)  And let me stay in her house til my mommy came.  Late in the afternoon, an ugly car rolled up and out walks a big BIG man, a lady, and some blonde girl.  Boy was I scared!!  The farmer's wife handed to the blonde and said, "Here she is!!" The girl was very happy.  She said, "Hey, SayDi girl!!" (How'd she know my name?!)  She was pretty nice.  She rubbed the top of my head and told me how pretty I was.  I began to think she was pretty nice herself and I let her know by licking her nose.  She giggled..I HAD MADE HER HAPPY!! I liked the way her giggle sounded and told myself that I would always try to make her laugh.  She carried me to that ugly old car (I really hated that car.  I whined all the way home.)

Me and mommyI looooooooooove squeaky toys..BARRROOOO!! *bol*

I found out on the ride home that this blonde chic was my new mommy.  She told me all about my new house.  When we got there, she took me out into the back yard...IT WAS HUGE! I got lost in the tomato plants and mommy had to come find me..But she didn't mind.  She just laughed.  Then, I got to go into my new house...And guess what!! There was a big ole brown dog!! He scaaaaared me.  His head was 4 times bigger than my whole body!! (tale and ears included!!)  But he was very nice. Mommy said his name was Bear Dog and that he was my new Uncle. I ran  up and jumped onto his neck.  He was such a sweet old dog, he just let me run all over him and didn't care!!  I loved him!! Later that night, Mommy carried me upstairs, while Bear followed us.  The 3 of us all climbed in bed and went to sleep.  I still sleep in that bed too!!

You ever feel the need to just...lay in the sun??
"Aaaaah...I love the sun..."

I love my life.  It's very valuable to me. Especially since.."The Accident".  Last year, on Easter Sunday, my mommy went outside to hide Easter Eggs for my friend, Aubrey.   I wanted to play, so I ran out behind her, but she didn't know it.  I snooped around in the yard and then saw some kids across the street.  I thought maybe they'd want to come play, so I ran out to see them.  What I didn't see was Robby's big truck heading towards me.  He was going really REALLY fast and couldn't stop in time.  I was so scared!! All I could do was lay on the street while Robby hit me.
It hurt soooo bad!! I cried a lot.  My mommy heard me crying and ran to me.  I couldn't tell her how much I hurt..I just cried and when she picked me up, she put her thumb in my mouth so I could bite on it.  (She's so nice!!) It helped a lot.  I could see my mommy crying and I didn't want her too, so I stopped.  She laid me on the grass and called "Cap" (her daddy).  Cap came out and talked to my mommy and Robby.  Chris (mommy's sister) came and took mommy, Cap and I to the doctor.   Doctor Hall gave me some medicine so I would sleep off the shock (whatever that is.).  He told mommy and Cap to go home and he'd call them.  Mommy started crying again and came over to kiss my head. I wanted to lick her nose, but I couldn't lift up my head.  My belly hurt so bad!! I just wanted to go home.  Doctor Hall put me in a cage all by myself. I cried all night.  I missed my mommy and my bed.  I wanted to go snuggle up next to Bear.   Doctor Hall tried to hold me, but my belly hurt too bad and I didn't want him to touch me, so I bit him.  The next day, my mommy came and got me.  I wasn't feeling better, but I was glad to go home.  My poor mommy. I think she hurt more than me.  She would come lay on the floor with me and snuggle her nose in my ears.  A lot of times she'd  look at me and just start crying.."I'm so sorry, Say...It's all my fault!!"  I tried to tell her it wasn't, but she still cried.  Her mommy told me to get better so she wouldn't cry anymore.  And that's what I did. I ate little bit more everyday and eventually, I started walking around a little.  But I couldn't walk a lot.  The truck had hit my hips and it hurt to move.  Sometimes I would try to walk and end up falling on the floor.  It hurt so bad, I'd cry.  My mommy would bring me some really good medicine (it tasted like leftovers!! Mmmmm) and she'd rub my ears.  I'd fall asleep and when I'd wake up, I'd be all snuggly next to  my mommy.
"Do ya'll mind?!"Here I am on mommy's bed....
I got all better real soon.  A month later, I was back to my old self. YAY!! Then, something else bad happened.  When summer '98 came, my Uncle Bear got real sick.  Mommy said Cap wouldn't let him in the house anymore.  He had to stay outside.  Bear didn't mind, he got to lay out in the sun, and when Mommy went out there, she'd take me with her and she'd squirt Bear and I with the hose.  But, something went terribly wrong.  One day, when it was real cold, I went outside and Uncle Bear wasn't there.  I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find him.  I whined and mommy told me Bear had gone to Heaven.  I really miss Bear.  Mommy has pictures of me with him and she promised me we'll put them up soon.  Come back and see them!!

I like to look out the window...Gives me a rush.."BARROOOOOOOO!!"

Well, here it is November, and I got my wish.  Cap got a puppy.  I was so excited at first, my very own sister.  But, dang it, that dog got big!! I've still got seniority over her, but that drool-face is sooooooooooo big.  I wish Mom would take her back.  She musta ate Miracle Grow as a baby.  I think she's defective.  Oh well.  She sure can play tug-of-war!!!

All dogs need naps..
Ya'll come back now, ya hear?!

heh heh heh Have you found the secret pages yet?? HAHA!!
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This page last updated: 11/25/00  Next update: By 12/15/00
Pleeeeease come back.
I love you.
If you don't come back,
I'll be forced to bite you!!