Bands: Metallica, Aerosmith, Fuel, Creed,
Bush, Led Zep, Staind, Stones, Skynyrd,
dcTalk, Jars of Clay, Newboys, Incubus, CCR, The
Carpenters, The Beatles,
Artists: Above all, and foremost, GARTH!!!!!!!!(
that includes Chris Gaines) Harry Connick Jr,
Courtney Love, Cledus T. Judd,Will Smith, Kenny Chesney, Mark
Tim McGraw
Actors and Actresses:
Bruce Willis, Richard Gere, Harrison Ford, Sandra Bullock, Susan Sarrandon,
Julia Roberts, Kevin Costner, anyone on "Top Gun" or "Armageddon",
George Clooney,
Adam Sandler (hahaha)
Food: ANY..hehe JK, Seafood (of course!!), Pickles, Chinese
Clothes: Camo anything, V-Neck Sweaters, just about
anything from Old Navy, flannel
shirts, flare and bootleg jeans, combat boots, and socks that AREN'T
(Have you noticed? That is a REALLY big issue for me. I really HATE
white socks)
Animals: Puppy-dogs, DUH!!!!!!!, little rodents ('long as they're in a cage!!)
Things I like to do:
hunting (LOOOOVE my guns!!), going to church,fishing, football (whenever
I get
the chance!!), playing with markers (*wink* @Lisa hehehe), washing my hair,
giggling, telling stupidjokes (even if 99.9% of the time they aren't
watching "TRAUMA" on TLC, playing 'house" with my niece Aubrey, playing
peek-a-boo with Big E, snuggling with Bobby on the Couch
Favorite teams:
CCA PATRIOTS!! GO BIG BLUE!! (Little push for my school. hehe)
Football: MY BOYZ!! DALLAS!! WOOHOO!(yeah..they suck this year)
Basketball: Uh...I'm not into NBA, sorry. =)
Baseball: Duuuuuh, I'm from MD, GO O'S!!!!!!
Favorite TV shows:
Providence, ER, TRAUMA, The Simpsons, Road Rules, Fat Albert, The PowerPuff
Girls!! (YEAH BUTTERCUP!!), Recess, Darma and Greg, PBR, Law
and Order,
Friends, Third Watch, King of the Hill
Most used Quotes:
"Ya know what?! I don't care!!"
"Do you have a problem?"
"Dude, no way!"
"Lemme tell you somethin'!!"
"OW! Dang it!!"
"Gas or diesel?"
Most vivid memory:
When I went to school and saw that there were other "special" kids just
l ike
me. HAHA JK! Probably the first time I saw Bobby...He
has the prettiest eyes..
Nicknames that I actually can stand:
"Aunt Carrie", "Bird", "Cheese", "Retard" (lol JK!!),
"Gibbers", "Cara-Rosa", "Daddy's Girl", "Little Hoot"
Favorite People: Where do I start???
(In no particular order!!)
Kari, Kari, Johnathan, Bill, Ray, Crystal, Dave and Wanda, Gail,
Lisa, Nina,
Todd, Chris, Ben, Aubrey, Lena, Mr. Wilhoit, David, Amanda, Ethan,
Miss Lori,
Jeremy C., Mr. Ross, Miss Connie, Jennifer, Bobby R., Pastor Landon, MY
MOMMY!!! (she's cool, even if she is a nerd...LOL), Miss Rena, Amber, Charity,
people who likepaintball, SayDi (she's a person to me!!) the UPS guy,
Kim, Chris,
I SUPPOSE I'll put Ashley G. on here. *g*, Justin, Jeremy
S., My Daddy, My Bobby
*hugs*, and finally, all my watermen, especially Mr. Billy (who hooked
me up with
Aaaaaand..I've ran out of names.
(If you aren't on this list but you wanna be, then, I advise you to be
nicer to me!!!) *g*
* I like "big boys, big guns, and big trucks." OR, I like big boys
WITH big guns, IN
thier big trucks.*g* (Bobby's got a niiiiiiiiiiice truck...SWEEEEEeeeeeet)
* I like cheese. I really REALLY like cheese. lol
* I like seeing pregger bellies. They're so cool!!! (KIM!!! GRIFFERS IS
* I like to pick on Ashley becuz, well, it's so dang easy (LOVE YA
* The colors BLACK!! (oh yeah!) navy blue, hunter green, and realtree camo
* I like to play on the computer...Dunno why...I just do!! lol
* I like to burp...It gives me a thrill..
Aaaand, that's all for now!! Later!
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page last updated: 11/25/00 Next update: By 12/15/00
sure you !!
man, how many times do I have to ask???)
don't need to get out my shotgun do I?)
do it!! Ya know I will!!)
think I'm kidding?!)
dare ya to leave your email!)
if I don't harrass ya!!)