Stuff I tend to stay away from
(lengthy list)

Music:    Well, I hate to admit it, but I'll listen to ALMOST any type...Oh lord...

Bands: Geez, where to start? I dunno..Aren't that many..'cept those freakin'' boy bands..SO HELP ME!!

Artists:  Neil Diamond (you know the guy. Can we get more cheesy?!), and Yanni..I don't like Yanni

Food:      Anything with onions ('cept onion rings!!), gravy, sweet potatoes

Clothes:  Those god-awful skirts I have to wear for school,  too-tight jeans,  AND ESPECIALLY
                        WHITE SOCKS!!  I hate 'em, I despise them...They need to GO SOMEWHERE...

Animals:  heh heh heh CAAAAAAAAAAATS!!!

Things I don't like doin':
                        Taking medicine, watching the neighbor's cat, getting sunburned,
                        Running out of gas in the little toy truck (ahem..or dad's truck...)
                        Pumpin' gas for the harbor perv...Eeeeeeew!!!

Least favorite teams:
                       Football:  DC 'Skins
                       Basketball:  All of 'em!
                       Baseball:  Dang Yankees!!

Least Favorite TV shows:
                       DAWSON'S CREEK!!! (I HATE that show!!), and basically, anything on the WB

Least used phrases:
                        "OOH!! I KNOW!!!" "I love cats!"  "No,  sorry, I don't have any candy in my bookbag."
                        "No."  "Aww, Daddy, no thanx.  I don't need any cash."

Memory I'd love to forget:
                       Last year in school, I was swinging on a swing and talking my butt off. Suddenly, the swing broke
                       and I, skirt and all, went crashing to the ground, flat on my back.  Bruised my butt and got three
                        demerits for "improper behaviour".  *sigh*

Least Favorite People:
                        (In no particular order)
                        That guy off FoodTV, "Emeril".  I'd like to "BAM!" him.
                        The dude in daycare  who said he loved me, but left me for a redhead, I HATE YOU!! LOL
                        The guy that works at Acme that follows me around when I go there (You all know who I mean!)
                        The Down-the-Bay Harbor Perv...He gives me the creeps...Eeeeew...

                        * I hate it when people don't match thier socks to thier outfits.  Dang it! Get a clue! And
                           some  decent socks!!
                        * I hate it when people decide to pick on me and I can't think of anything to say
                           back..It's a  rare moment, but it happens and I HATE IT!!!! *g*
                        * I hate it when I ask people a question and they go, "What?!" Then answer the question before I
                           repeat  myself...STOP DOING THAT!!!! Dang it!!
                        * Two words...."ORAL SURGERY"
                        * I hate it when within the first (of ten) hour at work, I get fuel on my shirt and have to go through  the day smellin' like diesel.  And no...Febreeze don't do diesel!!

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This page last updated:  11/25/00 Next update: By 12/15/00
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(Please.  Don't make me get hostile)
(Just come back, ok?)
That makes me "Happy Happy"*g*