These are some oldies but goodies.  I will update, eventually, but first I gotta get a scanner..Anybody wanna let me come over and use their's til then, well, I'd really appreciate it. lol
Wait til the page is COMPLETELY loaded, and then scroll down...Give it a minute or two, k?

This is my piglet, Aubrey.  Isn't she adorable?

George and Bobby will kill me, but oh well!! Here they are,
Bobby's is on the left, George is on the right.  In the middle is Ryan.

You all have seen this one.  Its Kari and I.

This is my friend Crystal..Gotta love her shirt..LOL :)

Here's my buddy Kenny.  Doesn't he look like one of those kids who'd go to school with a machine gun???

"Gus and Scoot" AKA, my bro and his wheels.:)

These two were the first of my bud's to get engaged...Aren't they cute?!

I guess thats about it for now.  I'll get more up soon, whenever I can get some scanned.  THANX!! BTW if you have any complaints, new pics on your 'puter, or general ulcer-causers, send them to me,HERE.
(Click on the bullethole, Ninny!! :)

Awrite, enough's enough!!
Let's get outta here!!